Jaje Bendu Jembrana
Jaje Bendu Jembrana Local food Jembrana is one of the regencies in Bali. Each regency in Bali has its own characteristic that makes them are very unique. Jembrana has many things that can impress the tourist comes there, such as Festival, Great forest, amazing rare animal and wonderful nature. Besides that, if the guest comes to Jembrana for holiday it will become not complete if not taste Jembrana's local food. One of the local food from Jembrana is Jaje Bendu Bendu is a traditional cake from Jembrana. Bendu is getting famous and be one of the favorite cake in Jembara. Bendu is very delicious cake which is made by using natural ingridients. There is no chemical material in it. Bendu is cake made by using sweet potato, coconut, flavour, and sugar. All those ingridients is natural ingidients which makes it become traditional healthy food. The procedures to make Bendu cake is quite simple. First we need to peel the sweet potato a...